“For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many. But even greater is God wonderful Grace and His gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:17
Because of Adam, death has reigned (and the numerous cemeteries bear witness to this). Because of Jesus Christ, believers reign (literally, they “reign as kings!”). Adam chose to do what he wanted. Many died because of Adam’s sin, while Christ’s gift came because He loves us. He did what God wanted. Many people received the gift of life because of Jesus. Adam’s one sin brought God’s judgement, and he was declared guilty. This was the catalyst for sin; afterwards, people sinned many times. But the death of Jesus was sufficient to make people righteous. His death was the perfect sacrifice for sin. God’s vast supply of grace and His gift of righteousness utilised one man, Jesus Christ. Many people became sinners because Adam did not obey God. Many people became friends with God because Christ obeyed Him. This is the only way to a victorious and triumphant life in Christ.