Welcome to Kingdom Life Embassy and remember, God is on your side!

We believe in raising sons & daughters committed to Advancing The Kings Agenda In The Earth.

A Community Committed To Advancing The Kingdom Of Heaven.


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Stream Live every Sunday at 9:00am on YouTube or Facebook


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Join A Connect group Today

Our mission is to create an inclusive and welcoming community where people can come together, we believe that life is best lived in community, and connect groups are the perfect way to connect with others, make new friends, and grow closer to God.

Meet Our Pastors

Founder and senior Pastor of Kingdom Life Embassy, kingdom visionary leader, Life Coach and Mentor, Dr Maxwell Holland is known for his passionate commitment and tenacity in fulfilling the will of God for the next generation. Dr Max teachings and messages-and his very being- are fuelled by his desire to see Kingdom dominion established in every sphere of life and advancing the Kingdom of God.

What’s possible for you is based solely upon your belief. Sometimes we have to leave behind those who are not ready to move into Gods abundance.